Obsidian supports the following file types: - **Markdown**: `.md` - **JSON Canvas**: `.canvas` ([Learn more](https://jsoncanvas.org/)) - **Images**: `.avif`, `.bmp`, `.gif`, `.jpeg`, `.jpg`, `.png`, `.svg`, `.webp` - **Audio**: `.flac`, `.m4a`, `.mp3`, `.ogg`, `.wav`, `.webm`, `.3gp` - **Video**: `.mkv`, `.mov`, `.mp4`, `.ogv`, `.webm` - **PDF**: `.pdf` You can extend Obsidian to support other file formats using [[Community plugins]]. ### Embedding files Some file types can be embedded directly into your notes. See [[Embed files]] for details. > [!NOTE] > Support for audio, video, and other files depends on the codecs available on your device. >