Obsidian saves your notes in a **local vault** on your computer or device. A local vault is simply a folder that holds your notes. > [!example] `C:\Users\Obsidian\Vaults\Help` is the folder location for a local vault called `Help`. If you want to use your notes on different devices, you need to [[Sync your notes across devices|share]] your local vault with those devices.  **Obsidian Sync** is one solution that helps you do this by connecting your local vault to a **remote vault**. A remote vault is a copy of your vault stored on Obsidian's servers. > [!example] Through [[Set up Obsidian Sync#Create a new remote vault|creating a new remote vault]], I create a remote vault named `Docs`. You can connect one or more **local vaults** on your devices to a **remote vault**. When you make changes to a local vault, the changes are saved to the remote vault. Then, the updated content is synced to all other local vaults connected to the same remote vault. > [!example] Understanding local versus remote in practice > A remote vault helps you share and sync your notes between different devices. > > - I have a local vault named `Help` stored at `C:\Users\Obsidian\Vaults\Help`. > - I created a remote vault called `Docs` and connected my `Help` vault to it. > - Later, I created another local vault called `Help-two`, stored at `C:\Users\Obsidian\Vaults\Help-two`. > - I connected this `Help-two` vault to the same remote vault `Docs`. > Now, any changes I make in either `Help` or `Help-two` will sync through the remote vault `Docs`.