When you [[Plans and storage limits#Create a new remote vault|create a remote vault]] and [[Set up Obsidian Sync#Connect to a remote vault|connect to it]], the Sync Core plugin becomes the place for managing your remote vault. ## Sync settings **Remote vault** This section shows your currently connected remote vault. It includes a **Disconnect** button to disconnect from the remote vault and a **Manage** button to view all remote vaults your account has access to (including shared vaults via [[Collaborate on a shared vault|collaboration]]). > [!todo] If your remote vault is located in a third-party sync service, you will see a red error message. Follow the steps in [[Switch to Obsidian Sync]] to resolve this. **Sync status** Displays the current sync status of the remote vault. This section includes either a **Pause** or **Resume** button, depending on the status. **Device name** Assign a unique name to the device currently syncing. This helps track activity in the [[Status icon and messages#Sync log|sync log]]. **Deleted files** Contains a button to **View** or **Restore** deleted files. For more details, see [[Version history]]. **Storage usage** Displays a progress bar showing how much of your sync storage is used. > [!tip] It may take up to 30 minutes for the current usage to update due to server-side processing. **Contact support** Provides instructions on how to [[Help and support#Contact Obsidian support|contact Obsidian support]], including options to **Copy debug info** and **Email support**. --- You can also choose what to sync in the Sync Core plugin's settings. This section covers **selective sync** and **vault configuration sync**, along with their associated caveats. ## Selective syncing Files synced to your [[Local and remote vaults|remote vault]] contribute to your [[Frequently asked questions#How large can each remote vault be|storage limit]]. By default, Obsidian Sync activates **selective sync** for the following file types: - Images - Audio - Videos - PDFs To sync additional file types, toggle the `Sync all other types` option. The default **vault configuration sync** settings include: - Other file types - Main settings - Appearance - Themes and snippets - Hotkeys - Active core plugin list - Core plugin settings To sync community plugins, manually enable **Active community plugin list** and **Installed community plugin list**. ### Change the file types you want to sync 1. Open **Settings → Sync**. 2. Under **Selective sync**, enable the file types you want to sync. 3. Restart the application to apply the new settings. On mobile or tablet, this may require a force-quit. Note that your [[Plans and storage limits|Sync plan]] defines the maximum file size you can sync. The Standard plan allows syncing files up to 5MB, while the Plus plan supports files up to 200MB. > [!info] Adding a file to the **Excluded files** list does not remove it from the remote vault if it has already been synced. Configure your Sync settings *before* syncing to avoid using unnecessary storage. ### Exclude a folder from syncing By default, Obsidian syncs all files and folders in your vault. To exclude a specific folder from syncing: 1. Open **Settings → Sync**. 2. Next to **Excluded folders**, select **Manage**. 3. Check the box next to the folder you want to exclude. 4. Select **Done**. #### Always excluded from sync ##### Hidden folders (folders starting with a dot) are not synced Folders that begin with a `.` (e.g., `.hidden`) are treated as hidden folders and are not synced. The only exception is the [[Configuration folder]], typically named `.obsidian`. Common examples of hidden folders that are not synced include `.vscode`, `.git`, and `.idea`. ##### Sync settings are not synced Sync settings do not sync across devices. You need to configure them separately on each device as needed. ## Updating your synced vault settings To modify sync settings across multiple devices, follow these steps: > [!tip] The terms "primary" and "secondary" devices are for clarity only; Sync does not differentiate between them. ### Primary device The primary device acts as the source of truth. Changes made here are synced across all other devices. 1. Go to **Settings → Sync**. 2. Activate the desired settings under **Vault configuration sync**. 3. Reload or restart Obsidian. On mobile or tablet, a force-quit may be required. 4. Allow time for the settings to sync with your remote vault. ### Secondary device(s) Secondary devices (such as your phone) receive updates from the primary device. 1. Go to **Settings → Sync**. 2. Enable the necessary settings under **Vault configuration sync**. 3. Wait for changes to download from the remote vault. 4. Reload or restart the app to apply the synced settings. On mobile or tablet, a force-quit may be required. ### Reloading of settings Certain settings can be hot reloaded, while others require a restart: - **Hot-reloadable**: Most Obsidian configurations, including hotkeys and properties, appearance settings, and configurations for already-enabled core plugins. - **Requires reload**: CSS changes (e.g., [[CSS snippets]], [[Themes]]), graph view configurations, and core plugin states (e.g., enabling/disabling Daily Notes). Community plugins typically do not support hot reloading and require a restart when new settings are applied. > [!todo] Plugin developers: Learn how to [integrate hot-reload functionality with Obsidian Sync](https://docs.obsidian.md/Reference/TypeScript+API/Plugin/onExternalSettingsChange). ## Settings profiles Obsidian Sync can sync multiple [[Configuration folder|configuration folders]] to the same remote vault, allowing you to create separate profiles (e.g., one for mobile, another for your laptop). ### Create a settings profile To create a new settings profile: 1. Open **Settings → Files and links**. 2. Under **Override config folder**, enter a name for your profile, starting with a period (`.`), e.g., `.obsidian-mobile`. 3. Relaunch Obsidian to apply the changes. > [!note] > Changing the settings profile will require reconfiguring your sync settings. To avoid redownloading plugins and themes, copy your existing `.obsidian` folder and rename it to match your new profile (e.g., `.obsidian-mobile`) before making changes.