The File explorer lets you manage files and folders inside your vault. You can browse notes and other [[Accepted file formats]] in your vault and perform many common file operations: - Create, delete, and rename files and folders. - Move files and folders with drag and drop. - Use the context menu to access all available operations. > [!tip] > You can drag a file from the File explorer into your note to create a link to it, or drag a file into a folder in the File explorer to copy it. ## Create a new note To create a new note in the default location for new notes: 1. Click **New note** ( ![[lucide-pen-line.svg#icon]] ) at the top of the File explorer. 2. Type the name of the note, and then press Enter. > [!tip] > You can change the default location for new notes under **Settings → Files and links → Default location for new notes**. To create a new note in a specific folder: 1. Right-click the folder and then click **New note**. 2. Type the name of the note, and then press Enter. ## Create a new folder To create a new folder the root of your vault: 1. Click **New folder** ( ![[lucide-folder-plus.svg#icon]] ) at the top of the File explorer. 2. Type the name of the folder, and then press Enter. To create a subfolder: 1. Right-click the folder you want to create the subfolder in, and then click **New folder**. 2. Type the name of the folder, and then press Enter. ## Delete a file or folder 1. Right-click the file you want to delete, and then click **Delete**. 2. If prompted to confirm that you want to delete the file, click **Delete**. For more information, refer to [[Manage notes#Delete a note|Delete a note]]. ## Rename a file or folder 1. Right-click the file you want to rename, and then click **Rename**. 2. Type the new name, and the press Enter. For more information, refer to [[Manage notes#Rename a note|Rename a note]]. ## Move a file or folder To move a file or folder, you can use drag-and-drop or the context menu. **Drag and drop:** - Drag a file or folder to the folder you want to move it to. - With `Alt-Click` (Windows/Linux) or `Opt-Click` (macOS) you can select multiple individual files and drag them to another folder. If they're all in a row, you can use `Shift-Click` for it. **Context menu:** 1. Right-click a file, and then select **Move file to...**. 2. Search for the name of the folder you want to move the file to, and then select it from the list.