The Workspaces plugin lets you manage and switch between different application layouts depending on your task, for example journaling, reading, or writing. A workspace contains information about open files and tabs, and the width and visibility of each sidebar. ## Save a workspace **Ribbon:** 1. In the ribbon, click **Manage workspace layouts** ( ![[lucide-panels-top-left.svg#icon]] ). 2. Enter a name for the workspace. 3. Select **Save**. **Command palette:** 1. Press `Ctrl+P` (or `Cmd+P` on macOS) to open the [[Command palette]]. 2. Search for the **Manage workspace layouts** command. 3. Press `Enter` with the command selected. 4. Enter a name for the workspace. 5. Select **Save**. To update an existing workspace, save the workspace with the same name as the workspace you want to update. ## Load a workspace **Ribbon:** 1. In the ribbon, click **Manage workspace layouts** ( ![[lucide-panels-top-left.svg#icon]] ). 2. Next to the workspace you want to load, select **Load**. **Command palette:** 1. Press `Ctrl+P` (or `Cmd+P` on macOS) to open the [[Command palette]]. 2. Search for the **Manage workspace layouts** command. 3. Press `Enter` with the command selected. 4. Select the workspace to load. ## Delete a workspace **Ribbon:** 1. In the ribbon, click **Manage workspace layouts** ( ![[lucide-panels-top-left.svg#icon]] ). 2. Next to the workspace you want to delete, select **Delete layout** ( ![[lucide-x.svg#icon]] ). **Command palette:** 1. Press `Ctrl+P` (or `Cmd+P` on macOS) to open the [[Command palette]]. 2. Search for the **Manage workspace layouts** command. 3. Press `Enter` with the command selected. 4. Next to the workspace you want to delete, select **Delete layout** ( ![[lucide-x.svg#icon]] ).